“Compassion without accountability is enabling. Accountability without compassion is domination.”

—JAC Patrissi, A Call for Change Helpline

Monthly Drop-In Support Space

Virtual meetings in English with attendees from all around the world.

Join our drop-in monthly meeting space for people who have caused harm and are engaged in taking ownership of our choices and behaviors and the impact they have. We want to stop the cycle of harm in our lives, and here we offer mutual support on our respective and ongoing paths of accountability.

These meetings are intended to offer mutual support, where folks are invited to listen to and share with each other around their lived experiences and what they’re striving towards.

Accountability Coaching

One-on-one support for short term or ongoing accountability goals.

Work directly with us to gain clarity, compassionate guidance, and personalized recommendations around staying grounded in accountability while moving through your life, work, and relationships. Whether you need some extra support before an upcoming and significant event, after an unexpected crisis or call out, or as an ongoing commitment to transformation for the long haul, we’re here for you.

Coaching offers invaluable opportunities to ask hard and messy questions, learn new ways of understanding relational dynamics in the world, and make steps towards the person you want to be, even as a person who has harmed others. You don’t have to figure this out alone.

Have you been confronted or called out about harmful, abusive, or violent behavior?

Did you hurt someone you care about or love?

Do you have questions about the way you’ve been getting consent?

Have you been dealing with the effects of public shaming alone?

Do you feel confused about why people are so mad at you?

We can help.

Humanity, Dignity, & Change

We’re here with the hope of restoring humanity and dignity to the experience of causing harm and living with it, while also centering the reality that we hurt people. We want to make things as right as we can and prevent further harm from happening again in the future.

For us, harm includes any action or behavior that has an adverse or damaging effect on others. Some examples that we’ve focused on in ReSpec include

  • misuse of power, force, or intimidation

  • manipulation, gaslighting, or coercion

  • sexual assault and harassment (including unwanted advances, touching, and forced or coerced sexual acts)

  • perpetuating sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism and other forms of oppression.

“Respec” is a term used in role playing games when you are given the chance to rebuild or re-determine your character’s skills and abilities, to rebalance the stats (or “specs”) that define them. When the priorities and play style you’d previously used are no longer working for you, taking the time to respec can offer the necessary changes to be able to re-engage with the game in a way better informed by your learned experiences.