Frequently Asked Questions
What is the ReSpec Group Support Space?
This is a drop-in monthly meeting space for people who have caused harm and are engaged in taking ownership of our choices and behaviors and the impact they have. We want to stop the cycle of harm in our lives, and here we offer mutual support on our respective and ongoing paths of accountability. These meetings are intended to offer mutual support, where folks are invited to listen to and share with each other around their lived experiences and what they're striving towards.
Harm includes any action or behavior that has an adverse or damaging effect on others. Some examples that we’ve focused on in this space include
misuse of power, force, or intimidation
manipulation, gaslighting, or coercion
sexual assault and harassment (including unwanted advances, touching, and forced or coerced sexual acts)
perpetuating sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism and other forms of oppression.
Is this available in my region?
The meeting is conducted in English, however it is not otherwise exclusionary based on border, gender, or type of harm caused. We are an international group and have people joining from many time zones all over the world. Our facilitators are based in the USA. We encourage everyone to stay cognizant of our own gaps in cultural understanding, while finding connective threads in our lives and perspectives.
What is this not?
These are not group therapy sessions, and we don't follow a traditional peer support model.
We don’t facilitate or create individual processes for specific incidents of harm.
We can’t “report back” to your community, employer, or anyone else about your progress. We are not arbiters of whether or not someone should be allowed back in a space.
How much does it cost?
To help cover the costs of running this program, software and platform fees, and modest compensation of our facilitators and occasional guest speakers, we ask participants to pay a fee of USD $20 per hour. Each session is two hours, so the total session fee will be $40.
To accommodate for various class, income, and exchange rate considerations, sliding scale is available. If this fee would be a barrier to your participation, please let us know. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
What is the ReSpec Coaching?
Coaching is a more personalized and flexible offering, compared to the group space. We have a team of coaches with a wide range of expertise and availability, who can work with your schedule to take deeper dives into your history, circumstances, goals, and accountability journey.
Our primary focus is clarity.
If you are looking for an anchoring and non-judgmental space to help untangle the complexities of your experience and guide you towards compassionate self-examination, accountable commitments, and thoughtfully mapping out new paths forward, reach out to us. We’re here to dig through the mess with you; you don’t have to figure it out alone.
How do I get started?
Fill out our contact form, and we’ll reach out to schedule a free 30-minute consultation call to get into further details of how we might work together, answer any questions you have, and get you matched with a coach.
What is this not?
Coaching is not therapy, does not seek to diagnose, and cannot act as a substitute for counseling, mental health, medical, academic, or financial services. When someone discloses information that is outside of our scope of practice, a coach may recommend that they be enrolled in therapy or be seen by another medical or mental health provider in conjunction with coaching work. We will always do our best to refer clients to other professionals we know and trust.
How much does it cost?
Our standard rates and sliding scale options vary over time and between coaches. Reach out for details on our sliding scale process to determine a rate that accommodates both you and the coach.